
MasHed TogetHer Using F4 Thailand clipS


digital bOOk

F4 AnnApOliS

BOyS OveR FlOwerS

A mOdern AdaptiOn tO tHe Original HIT COmic &  Tv Series.

With VideOs, Pictures And MusiC

I haven't cOmpleted tHe bOOk fully. I update mOre stOry &  edits every few days.

InfOrmation & DialOgue

tO the MOdern VersiOn:


THe base story line from tHe original Comic and Tv series was a classic, but today it's largely outdated. Even in tHe spin offs, tHere seems to be a common tHeme within tHem all. THe quality, intensity and tHe substance of tHe characters and story line seem to burn out reasonably fast. THe female lead for instance, starts out fiery. A force to be reckoned with, someone that stands up in tHe face of adversary and against all odds. Too quickly it seems, after just a few episodes. SHe loses that fire that made Her a standout character to begin with. SHe turns into some kind of submissive wimp that cowers at tHe hands of tHe male lead’s controlling motHer, caves to all tHe pressure and situations that build up around Her, stops fighting and runs for tHe hills. This really lets me down. Not only as a viewer, but for tHe story itself. For instance, tHe male lead is drawn to Her because sHe's tHe only person who has ever stood up to him. SHe’s strong, independent, intelligent, righteous, prudent, loud, wise, different and more interesting tHen every otHer person He has ever met. SHe stands out to him. But, to have Her basically retreat into some kind of timid, overly shy, quiet, borderline brain-dead mute after just a few episodes was a complete let down. It contradicted tHe reasons why He was attracted to Her in the first place. I also don’t like tHe fact that tHe female lead acts like a 40-year-old virgin being forced to kiss a stranger. THere’s no emotion or flowing cHemistry, it feels unnatural and awkward to watch. THe male lead does well to keep the depth of his character alive, but tHere's only so much you can do when you have a co-lead that becomes boring and placid and does a complete 360 on what tHeir character originally begun as. I get sHe was meant to be shy, but it started becoming unfortunately too boring or too corny to watch after a while, and at times just pure cringe. F4 Thailand is tHe only version I can say that kept it realistic enough to really enjoy. But even in that version, I felt like some things were unneeded and made tHe story unrealistic. Such as tHe memory loss and brain damage to tHe male lead. I feel like too much over the top drama ruins tHe dynamic of tHe show, keep it believable.



I would like to recreate tHe female lead’s role entirely in this story. Into someone that can actually keep tHe energy, interest and intensity from start to finish. Someone that can match tHe male leads intensity and growth throughout tHe entirety of the story. THe dynamic between tHe upper and lower class is an interesting and intriguing plot. It has a lot of potential and a lot more could have been done with it to build more tension and suspense between all tHe characters. Seeing tHe two classes battling it out and bumping Heads until finally declaring a truce should have had a lot more substance and context to grow tHe opposite classes bonds more appropriately. I would also like to include a lot more action and fight scenes along with a lot more realistic drama that reflects a modern teenage romance in tHe current generation. I want to give it a more Action/RomCom feel. I’d also like to magnify more deeper tHe struggles, trials and temptations a real teenage girl would have to really go through dealing with school, violence, love and lusts for the first time. Also experimenting with parties, substances, dogey jobs and doing tHethings your parents taught you not to do.


F4 Annapolis - Boys over flowers:

Zara is starting Her second year of high school and is a motocross champion in training who is studying to become a software developer, specializing in creating video games. SHe was born and raised in the lower-class rough City of Baltimore with a humble Christian family. Through extremely hard work sHe earned a scholarship to one of the most elite high schools in the country, “Benara State Academy” in Annapolis. WHere only tHe wealthiest 1% are able to send tHeir children. SHe travels over an hour every day to attend this Grand school with very high expectations. But after sHe arrives, sHe soon finds out that the school is dominated by 4 third year seniors that are sons of some of tHe richest and most powerful people in tHe country, tHey are called F4. Eventually butting Heads, Zara becomes the new victim of this upper-class group and endures tremendous trials to overcome after sHe is given tHe red card by Jedakiah, the explosive leader of F4. As tHe school joins in on tHe Red Card game and torments Her, sHe has no choice but to eitHer fight back or quit tHe school. Fortunately for Her, sHe was raised by an ex-marine who taught combat for tHe military. He has trained Zara and Her younger brother Jonah since the age of four to be able to protect themselves in every situation tHey may encounter through life. Overcoming every obstacle Jed throws at Her, Zara ends up softening his Heart. Jedakiah’s cold and controlling family have vowed to marry him to another elite Hierarchy after he completes his studies. He proudly wants this arrangement until he meets Zara, and she shows him what it feels like to love someone for the first time in his life. She challenges Jedakiah and makes him rethink his life and who He really is. Zara tries to maintain Her morale Christian values as sHe struggles through the trials and temptations life in an upper-class school and society throw at Her. SHe’s more beautiful than a super model, but rougher than nails. SHe starts attracting a lot of male attention which tHen begins to complicate Her life. Jedakiah being one of tHem, falls hopelessly in love with Her. As time passes, sHe reluctantly realizes sHe also loves him, and tHey start to experience their first romantic relationship. Will tHey find a way to make it work? Or will tHeir opposite world’s ultimately tear tHem apart? 🥀


Rating: 5 stars
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